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Tree preservation is the management of stresses the tree experiences and is primarily the protection of the tree’s root system before, during, and after construction to reduce stress that could lead to the decline or death of the tree.  The ideal preservation process starts before any construction begins. Working with the architect and builder, an arborist discusses the impact upon the tree during the construction process, suggests changes or modifications to construction, and cares for the tree before, during, and after construction.

Most trees do not show signs of stress soon after construction, it can take up to seven years for the full impact of the construction to manifest in the tree.  Remember that trees have a large storage ability and can survive upon the stored energy for up to seven years.  Just because the tree isn’t dead at the completion of the construction doesn’t mean that the tree will survive.

A tree preservation plan usually involves a tree evaluation, plan review, prescription of care, application of care, and follow up evaluations and care as needed.

An Ickes Tree Service, Inc. employee discussing root loss with the property owner.  The tree is still alive and thriving today.  Proper planning and tree care can prevent the loss of your tree due to construction or renovation.

Tree Protection Standards in Construction Sites – Stephen Dicke – Mississippi State University Extension Service

Preserving Trees in Construction Sites – Stephen Dicke – Mississippi State University Extension Service